YooBookBlock Documentation

YooBookBlock turns pictures of a given folder into a flippable, animated book.


Go to Extensions > Extensions Manager > Select mod_yoobookblock zip file and click the Install button

Module settings

YooBookBlock module settings

Folder that contains pictures to display in book. During installation, sample pictures have been installed under /images/mod_yoobookblock folder.
A json object associating links with pictures. See more information below.
Title to display on top of module

How to add my own Book?

Go to your media manager, create a folder under /images/mod_yoobookblock folder (example /images/mod_yoobookblock/mybookblock/), put your pictures in it. They should be of same dimensions, to guarantee a nice display at screen. No worries if you put files other than images, Yoo3gDallery will filter them.

Good to know Each picture counts for a double page. In other words, there is no need to split pictures for each "page".

How to associate links with pictures?

The link parameter is optional. If you want to specify links, you just have to fill in this option using a JSON string.

Example:{ "1.jpg":"http://www.google.com", "2.jpg":"http://www.yourwebsite.com" } where 1.jpg is the name of a picture in your book.

How can I modify CSS?

YooBookBlock CSS file is located under /media/mod_yoobookblock/styles/yoobookblock.css

Module variations

You can see 2 examples of how YooBookBlock behaves depending on settings.

Example 1
Example 2

See YooBookBlock in action

  • Thursday, 17 April 2014

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